Real Estate Attorney in Horsham, PA…
Granor Law represents a wide array of clients, including businesses, developers and Home Owners Associations for all of their real estate needs. We are uniquely positioned to provide energetic, results-oriented, expertise to achieve the end results our clients desire.
Read more…As a Builder/Developer…
With 40 years’ experience as a builder/developer, Marshal Granor has in-depth knowledge to guide developers, builders, and individuals in the review and acquisition of real estate.
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Legal representation for homeowners and condominium associations…
…for those who need legal counsel regarding the Pennsylvania Uniform Planned Community Act and Uniform Condominium Act.
Marshal Granor’s extensive knowledge and experience regarding HOA law is the key to resolving association disagreements with homeowners, property management companies, and even local government agencies. Marshal is a principal author of the Pennsylvania Uniform Planned Community Act and teaches its nuances to community associations, fellow attorneys, association managers, real estate professionals and home builders.
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Convert your property from condominium to PUD (Planned Community)
Due to the Great Recession and its impact on the real estate industry, many developers and condominium associations found their communities with increasing numbers of rental units.
This increase in condominium rental units created restrictions that reduced access to favorable mortgage terms.
During this period, Marshal Granor. Esq developed a cost-effective process for converting the regime from condominium to Planned Community, removing most impediments to the best financing.
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